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And in the begining there was Dorothy... Dix that is.

Bring me your tired, your hungry, your insurmountable problems, so that Imay feast richly on your personal despair. Remember to sign your request with your preferred nom-de-plume and I'll give you the helping hand (and advice) that you so desperately need to overcome any little issue or challenge life may throw at you.

How do I get help from Dorothy?
Getting help and sage advice on all trivial matters in life from FriendsOfDorothy is easier than you may think and I give you three fast and effective ways to have your issue acknowledged and addressed. 
  1. Simply email your problem to
  2. Post your problem on Twitter, I can be found at or
  3. leave a comment after this post so others may feast upon your misery too.
Which ever way you choose to seek my help be assured I will post your question and respond to you via this blog. And the best part is you don't need to be a registered member.

Love Dorothy Dix

p.s. Life is never that serious


Anonymous said...

My teacher sent back my essay with "SPELL CHECKER!" written across the front page. I sent it back with "C.H.E.C.K.E.R" written on it but she didnt give me a better mark. What should I do next?
signed StudyBuddy

Anonymous said...

Dear Dorothy,
What are your thoughts on Mothers-in-law? Mine has been staying at our place now for a VERY long time. Any exit strategies?

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